In accordance with Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) Volume 2, C4553 paragraph C2, laundry expenses are separately allowable and not included as part of the M&IE allowance. An excerpt from this section reads as follows:
NOTE: The cost for clothing laundry, dry-cleaning and pressing is a separately reimbursable expense in addition to per diem/AEA when travel is within CONUS and requires at least 4 consecutive nights TDY/PCS lodging in CONUS. The cost for laundry/dry-cleaning/ pressing clothing is not a separate reimbursable travel expense for travel OCONUS and is included as a reimbursable expense within the AEA authorized/approved for OCONUS travel.
In accordance with JTR Volume 2, C2000 paragraph B, receipts are not required for expenses under $75. An excerpt from this section reads as follows:
B. Receipts. IAW DoDFMR 7000.14-R, Volume 9, a traveler must maintain records/receipts for:
1. Individual expenses of $75 or more, and
2. All lodging costs.
Note: these allowances and paragraph references valid as of 11 May 2012. Source:
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