Monday, February 20, 2012

Lessons learned from being robbed

-Sentry fireproof safes can be popped open with a screw driver with what appears to have been relatively little effort
-Write down the serial number of your laptop - apparently that's the best way to catch the thief
-If you have your passwords written down Hide Them WELL!!!!  It's true, they really do dig through your sock drawer.  Luckily they did not find mine (which were not in my sock drawer) which were in another locked area, but I was panicked until I found it safe.
-Go buy dowel rods, or some other item to put in any of your slider windows.  That's how they got in my house.  Not sure if the dowel rod would have helped, but definitely wouldn't have hurt
-Take pictures of the jewelry you love.  I have pictures of the valuable items (monetarily speaking) but nothing of the items that are the most important to me and truly the only pieces that I want back.
-Password protect your computer so it requires a password at start up to even get to your desktop.  Sadly, I did not do this.  Hopefully they are just looking to pawn it and are not criminal masterminds.
-Get an external hard drive so you can back up your data.  Luckily, I did do this and they didn't steal it.
-Password protect your thumbdrives
-Take pictures of the receipts of your purchases.  It's a pain to save paper receipts, but a picture is quick and easy.
-Get an alarm system, seriously, just get one.