- Connect your camera to your wireless router with an ethernet cable
- Log into your router
- open web browser and enter the IP address associated with your wireless router, which is probably something like
- Under the "Maintenance" click on "Attached Devices" and write down the information listed for your camera, particularly the IP address
- You will also need to look under "Setup" and "Wireless Settings" to get your security settings for your router (ie. SSID, WEP type, Authentication type, Encription Strength & WEP Key, making sure to note the one that is selected).
- I did not need to make any changes to my router set up. I did not need to set up port forwarding/triggering.
- Enter the camera's IP address into your web browser
- This took me to a Foscam page
- Click on Wireless LAN settings
- delete the information in the SSID box
- click SCAN, then select your SSID from the Wireless Network List
- this should poplulate the SSID box with the correct SSID
- verify the other settings for your router settings
- enter your WEP Key (note, you only need to enter one of the WEP keys - whichever one is selected under your router settings (step 2 above)
- Click "submit"
- Now, after I clicked submit, the Foscam page said it wouldn't load
- I went back to my router settings to verify my camera IP address (step 2 above) and it had changed. I have no idea why.
- So I entered the new camera IP address into the web browser and everything worked.
- You may also want to change your camera password under "User Settings"
- Somewhere in this process I did resort to using the Foscam installation CD, but I spent so much time trying different things that I don't remember exactly what role that played and am not sure it was necessary. But I think I did it after step 2
- NOTE, if the green light on the back of the camera is flashing rapidly, this is GOOD and means that the camera is connected to your wireless network.
UPDATE - in order to view your cameras remotely you do have to set up port forwarding. Instructions are here http://foscam.us/blog/foscamipcameras/guide-to-port-forwarding-netgear-router/
UPDATE - if for some reason your cameras quit streaming you should check to see if your router changed their IP address and if you so you will have to update your port forwarding address. If your camera IP address hasn't changed, or it did but you've updated your port forwarding and the cameras still aren't streaming then check to see if your External IP address has changed (type WhatIsMyIP in the search bar of your web browser). If your External IP address has changed you will have to update the settings on the device where you are remotely viewing your the streaming video from your camera.
UPDATE - if you want to set up sound and motion detection this video is excellent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz7F7Vyf-EQ
UPDATE - if for some reason your cameras quit streaming you should check to see if your router changed their IP address and if you so you will have to update your port forwarding address. If your camera IP address hasn't changed, or it did but you've updated your port forwarding and the cameras still aren't streaming then check to see if your External IP address has changed (type WhatIsMyIP in the search bar of your web browser). If your External IP address has changed you will have to update the settings on the device where you are remotely viewing your the streaming video from your camera.
UPDATE - if you want to set up sound and motion detection this video is excellent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz7F7Vyf-EQ