Wednesday, August 15, 2012

SCA Computer Professional Exemption Criteria

Consideration of Computer Professional vs Non-Exempt

NOTE - this information and these values were accurate in 2010 and may no longer be valid or applicable in any way.  Obviously, this is a process only as the comparison to job duties / job descriptions is not provided in the below explanation.
I compared the job duties outlined in the job descriptions to the duties listed in the FLSA's computer professional exemption test.  I believe that under Federal law all positions would be exempt based on the job duties and the overall nature of the jobs.  As far as California regs, I found that the computer professional exemption would apply as well.  However, the minimum hourly rate for a California Computer professional is much higher than the minimum hourly rate established under the FLSA.  For 2010, Computer professionals must earn a minimum fixed salary of $79,587.50 per year or $37.94 per hour for all hours worked in addition to meeting the duties requirements outlined below.

Update: Additional information can be found at this link under the heading "Exemption for computer software employee (Labor Code Section 515.5)"

Monday, August 6, 2012

vlookup on multiple criteria

This site explains how to perform vlookup on multiple criteria using an array
I modified the forumla slightly to provide a "0" response if one of the lookup values is blank, thus preventing a N/A# error
{=IF(R5="",0,(INDEX('Rate Table'!$F$5:$F$63,MATCH(A5&D5&R5,'Rate Table'!$B$5:$B$63&'Rate Table'!$E$5:$E$63&'Rate Table'!$A$5:$A$63,0)))}
The absolute key here is that you cannot just hit ENTER, you must hit ENTER+SHIFT+CTRL in order for excel to recognize this as an array formula.  You do not enter the "squiggly" brakets, excel will do that automatically if the formula is entered correctly.